Norris Middle School


Monday,  Feb. 27th,  2023 (B Day)

ALL Students:

  • 7th Graders interested in joining the Book Club - Reading:  “Red Queen”

Starting next Wednesday during your lunch, grab your lunches and head

 to the Library.


Change Wars is on! The event began on Valentine's Day, February 14th, and will go through Saint Paddy's Day (March 17th) - add coins to your jar and cash to other Advisories’ jars! Your advisory can win DONUTS if you get the most coins for the week.  

  • Allies meeting 6-8 Thursday during WIN in the library

  • Weather changing -  Grab your jackets out of Lost ‘n Found, as well as your water bottle and lunch sacks.

  • Reminder:  Ride your bus only, no riding someone else's bus for social activity or school activities.

  • Colorguard Clinic is coming!!! Learn to spin a flag, toss a rifle. Sign up sheets are in the library and MS office and are due March 17!

  • Library Badges - If a student forgets their badge, we will send them to get it.  Those badges need to be ready to be used on the bus.

  • Thinking about a summer job? NATS Detasseling opens their applications up on March 1 for the summer 2023 detasseling season. 

    • Information is on a poster hanging outside of Mrs. Sobotka’s office.

    • You have to be 13 by July 1. 

    • Great way to make money as a MS student!

    • Added Bonus - every NATS employee also receives a 25% discount on ACT prep with John Baylor Test Prep's OnToCollege, which can cost up to $400!


  • M-W all students Mock Trial

  • THU no HAL, Allies meeting

  • FRI   HAL 8th invitation only 


Classic Cafe:  Philly Flatbread

Diner:  Hamburger or Corn Dog

Grab & Go:  Honey Mustard Ham Wrap or Turkey BLT Salad

Counselor Connection

Let’s continue with our Random Acts of Kindness this week!

Do you want to make a difference? When completing a random act of kindness, there is no guarantee of getting anything in return.  But acts of “altruism” are known to improve mental health!  You will get a buzz from doing something nice for someone else.

  1. Tell a (school appropriate) joke to cheer someone up!

  2. Offer to include someone at lunch activity!

  3. Ask someone to sit at your table during lunch.

  4. Hold the door open for someone.

  5. Clear the table after dinner without being asked.

  6. Clean up your bathroom!

  7. Empty the trash.

  8. Read a younger sibling a book.

  9. Write your parents/guardians a thank you note.

  10. Try to pay 5 different people a sincere compliment today!