
Join the Norris Team. Be a Mentor.
For more information about TeamMates or becoming a mentor, contact Mary Ann Franken, Program Coordinator, at (402) 791-0040.
Our goal is to make a difference one student at a time for Norris students. Thank you to everyone who makes this possible.
Norris TeamMates had 63 active matches at the end of the 2021-22 school year.
Yearly Events
- Norris TeamMates are Cool Ice Cream Social to begin the school year.
- TeamMates Pumpkin Painting Contest.
- Root Beer floats for mentors and mentees.
- TeamMates Mentor Appreciation Luncheon.
- Recognize TeamMates Mentors and Board at a basketball game.
- Year End Celebration for mentees, mentors, board and families.
Norris TeamMates Board
- Mary Ann Franken, Program Coordinator
- Lenny VerMaas, Co-coordinator, Vice President
- HolliAnn Carney, President
- Mike Hoefler, Treasurer
- Charlotte Brotherson, Secretary
- Jamie Kerns, MS Principal
- Ron Drury, Member
- Rhonda Burbach, Member
- Matt Franken, Member
- Matt Rice, Member
- Mary Jean TeKolste, Member
- Staci Deger, Member
- Denise Petsche, Member
- Deb Petsche, Member
- Tarah Greenfield, Member
- Darcie Kvasnicka, Member
Get to know the TeamMates Mentoring Program
What is TeamMates?
TeamMates is a school-based, one-to-one mentoring program co-founded by Dr. Tom and Nancy Osborne. The focus of the mentoring relationship is for an adult volunteer to build a positive relationship with a student in order to help the student reach their full potential.
Who can volunteer?
Adults who care about youth and are positive role models are encouraged to volunteer. Mentors must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED equivalent.
What are the benefits?
Mentors make an investment in the future of our youth. Youth benefit by receiving encouragement and guidance from a caring adult.
What happens during a mentoring session?
Each mentoring relationship is unique. Mentoring sessions happen once a week for up to one hour. Activities include sharing a hobby or special interest, playing a game, being outside, or simply sharing thoughts and ideas.
What age of youth are involved?
Students in grades 3-12 are eligible to participate in the TeamMates program.
How can a student become involved in TeamMates?
Students can request to be in the program or they can be nominated by a caring adult in their life. This person is usually a teacher, guidance counselor, or parent.
How is TeamMates funded?
Every TeamMates program is funded locally by donations or fundraisers that are conducted throughout the year.
How can I support TeamMates?
There are many ways you can support TeamMates. These include becoming a mentor, making a donation, providing in-kind services, and encouraging your friends and family to become involved.
More information on TeamMates.