About Norris School District

The school campus is centrally located in the district on 270 acres at the intersection of 68th Street and Princeton Road, twelve miles south of Lincoln. The site consists of the Elementary, Intermediate, Middle School, and High School buildings; bus barn, paved parking areas, outdoor athletic and activity fields including an artificial turf field at Titans Stadium, cross-country course, and all-weather track. The district owns 111 acres for future development. It includes an active farm management site (agricultural education learning lab) on the east side of South 68th which is currently farmed as part of a partnership between the Norris Board of Education, the Norris Education Foundation, the Norris FFA Boosters, and the Norris FFA Alum.
The 2023-24 enrollment is 2,409 preschool through twelfth grade. The district has had perennial increases in enrollment and the combination of small-town communities with close proximity to the larger Lincoln metropolitan area has created a demand for housing and substantial residential development in the Norris School District.
The school district is divided into six wards which each represent a roughly comparable number of constituents. Candidates file by ward, to assure representation from the various geographic areas on the Board of Education, and are elected by the voters of the entire Norris School District.
The Norris School District is primarily rural residential acreages, small towns including the fastest-growing municipality in Nebraska (Hickman, NE), and agricultural in nature with many farming operations. Many Norris residents are employed in Lincoln. As the Lincoln area grows to the south and east, the population of the Norris District continues to increase steadily.
Click here to learn about Senator George Norris
Today, the Norris School system is organized on a pre-K-2 (Elementary), 3-5 (Intermediate), 6-8 (Middle School), and 9-12 (High School) basis.
The Norris School District is accredited by the Nebraska State Department of Education and is district-accredited via AdvancED.
Facilities Timeline
1964: Formation of District via consolidation
1969-10: Original construction completed on current campus and current campus hosts first students.
1979: The current HS building expanded for the north gym, additional classrooms, and a MS library space (currently a classroom).
1988: Classroom additions and auditorium developed.
1996: Gymnasium added to Elementary, classrooms and office space added for buildings.
2000: Classrooms expanded in Elementary School, adding day kindergarten expansion.
2004: bond issue passed for new Middle School; F-4 “Hallam tornado: decimates campus. Campus sites including bus barn, athletic fields, and auditorium are rebuilt and renovated.
2006: New Middle School opens, including a new competition gymnasium on the south side of the facility.
2012: $14 million bond issue passes for new Intermediate School (grades 3-4-5).
2013: Intermediate School opens, (+65,000 square foot facility with three grade level wings, MPR, gymnasium, media center, computer labs, specials areas, etc.). West HS expansion, fitness center expansion/renovation in HS.
2015: Artificial turf field (SprinTurf) installed and track resurfacing projects at Titans Stadium.
The district features campus-wide Wi-Fi which is accessible to the public outside of the regular school day. Norris is a Google School for Education school. Norris was recognized as one of several hundred schools worldwide as a Google Reference District. All access is monitored and filtered, and falls under the acceptable use guidelines for the district. All students in grades K-12 have limited access to the Google Suite of tools based on their age. This online space includes files, email, and unlimited Google document storage. Google provides this online suite free to educational institutions. These applications allow for students and staff to collaborate on projects, and communicate in ways previously unavailable. Google documents include an online word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, and Google Forms. These applications do not require installation and are available from anywhere through a web browser.
The district provides numerous devices available for staff and students. Google Chromebooks (Run Internet and the Chrome browser and apps.), and iPad carts are all mobile and connected to our wireless network. We are currently a 1-1 take-home district for Chromebooks in grades 6-12 and 1-1 with carts in our K-5 grades.
Information system: The district uses PowerSchool as its information system. Parent login information for monitoring your student’s progress may be obtained from building offices. Parents may log in to view the student’s grades, transcripts, attendance, and discipline records.
All computers in the District are Internet accessible. The district also provides complete campus-wide WiFi access for students and patrons. Students must have their acceptable use form signed and returned to the district before they are allowed to access the Internet.