Norris Middle School


February 13th, B Day


LOST ‘n FOUND - Please pick up your jackets / Lunch Boxes / Water Bottles




  • Valentine book recommendations from the Library! For 50 cents you can buy a valentine with candy and a book recommendation for you or a friend. Sales have begun!


HAL -  All Chess, all the time



Change Wars Results: 

Mr. Sedlacek’s Advisory won $50 for having the largest Net Positive score: $156.36
Mr. Hakel’s Advisory won $50 for having the most total money raised: $161.03

CONGRATULATIONS, Sedlacek’s & Hakel’s Advisories!

Mrs. Gault’s Advisory had the biggest Net negative score: -$26.06
Mr. Johnson’s Advisory had the least total money raised: 76 cents

As a result, Mrs. Gault, Mr. Johnson, and all Student Council reps in their Advisories will get pied in the face!

Schoolwide Total raised: $1,114.27! AWESOME!





Classic Cafe:  Beef Chili, Tortilla Chips, Potato Wedges

Grab & Go: Crispy Chicken Wrap, Turkey BLT Salad

Diner:  Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza


Thought for the Day

Listening to Others

It can be hard to recognize the things for which you feel passionate. After all, you probably like to do many different things and the things you love to do may have become so ingrained in your life that you don’t realize how important those things are.

Fortunately, other people might be able to give you some insight. There’s a good chance you’re already displaying your passion and purpose to those around you without even realizing it.


You might choose to reach out to family/friends and ask what reminds them of you or what they think of when you enter their mind. 

Or you might take note when someone pays you a compliment or makes an observation about you. Write those observations down and look for patterns.


Whether people think of you as “a great joke teller” or they say “you have a passion for helping others,” hearing others say what they notice about you might reinforce some of the passions you’ve already been engaging in.