Norris Middle School


Tuesday, Feb. 1st (B Day)

8th Grade girls BB travel today, please dismiss them at 1:30 p.m.  #GONORRIS!

7th Grade girls BB will be Home - Both play Bennington.

All Loaner chrome books will need to be returned on February 4, 2022 in order to have devices available for the Science Quiz Bowl, February 5.

HAL this week MWF: 7&8 Crime Scene Deduction T/TH: 6th Crime Scene Deduction

NO Ukulele Club this week.  We return on Wednesday February 9th

Science Quiz Bowl on Friday after school in room T2, 3:40-5:00 p.m. Bring a charged Chromebook.  We will be getting ready for competition on Saturday.  Science Quiz Bowl competition is starts at 9:00 a.m., be at school by no later than 8:30 a.m.

Student Council Meeting on Wednesday during WIN
in Mrs. Keller’s room (Room 304)

Crochet Club January project-winter hat!If you wish to join this project, please make sure to fill out this form so we can have the correct materials for those who need them. See Ms. Schartz for questions MEETING FEBRUARY 2nd

Yarn:1 larger skein or 2 smaller balls of any weight 4 yarn (ex: Red Heart with Love) in your color of choice

Hook:6.5 mm (size K)


Check out the books your teachers LOVE and LOATHE in the library.  Can you convince them otherwise?


Middle School College Savings Scholarship

Students who complete the EducationQuest Middle School College Savings Scholarship activity will be eligible to register for one of five $200 scholarships.

EducationQuest will randomly select one student winner on October 31, December 31, and February 28; two students will be selected on April 30.

To be eligible, a student must:

  • be a U.S. citizen or legal resident

  • be a middle school student attending a Nebraska school

  • complete and mail the scholarship entry form to EducationQuest between September 1 and April 30

EducationQuest will deposit the $200 scholarships into the winners’ NEST 529 College Savings Plan account. Winners who do not have an account will need to set one up.

Click here for official eligibility rule

Lost or damaged badges cost $5.00 / Lanyards - $1 / Plastic Sleeve - $1 - Complete Set - $7



Classic Cafe:  Beef Chili, Cinnamon Roll, Potato Wedges

Grab & Go:  Chicken Waldorf Salad, Turkey Blt Wrap

Pizza: Cheese Pizza, Sausage Pizza