Thursday, March 20th 2025
“A” Day/Adjusted Schedule
March Madness Info from MR Sundberg
6th Grade students are invited to watch March Madness games in Sundberg’s Room during Lunch.
Seating is limited to the first 25 students to bring Sundberg 1 Titan Token BEFORE SCHOOL.
A list will be sent to the Lunch Supervisors of who will be watching the game in Sundberg’s room.
The group will meet in Sundberg’s room and get their lunch as a group. Students will be dismissed to dump their trays with the second lunch students.
Students can watch either today's game (March 20th) or tomorrow’s game (March 21st). Students CANNOT come on both days.
Girls on the Run ON THURSDAY, MARCH 20TH
Congratulations to Kranz’s Advisory for winning Change Wars! They ended with a Net Total of $104.45! The top positive and negative leaders are below:
Looking for a summer job? NATS Detasseling is looking for positive workers aged 13 and up. Applications open up March 1st at Detasseling is a great way to develop leadership skills and build a resume that will attract future employers and colleges. Every employee receives a 25% discount on ACT prep from OnToCollege and anyone living in Lancaster County who has detasseled for NATS is eligible to apply for a LIBA College Scholarship. We have also seen great work lead to great friendships on our crew that last for life! Get a sneak peek with this short video. NATS_2min_V5_ENG 2.mp4 Applying early is recommended, as every year we do have a waiting list of workers.
8th graders interested in the Sapphires Dance Club- tryout packets can be picked in the office.
Tryouts will be March 26-29th.
Informational Meeting will be Friday, March 21 at 8:15.
~~~~~~~~6th Grade~~~~~~~~~~
Remember to return your Field Trip Forms! If you need another copy, see Mr. Kranz. All field trip forms are due Friday, March 28th!
The 2024-2025 Yearbook is available for pre-order!
Please use this QR code or Jostens link to pre-order a yearbook and capture your student’s year!
* Country Potato Bowl with Breadstick
* Cheeseburger
* Spicy Chicken Sandwich
* Hot Dog
* Chicken BLT Shaker with Roasted Flatbread