
Guitar Ensemble


This class is offered as a class for students who wish to learn how to play the guitar. Students will learn skills through both individual playing and practice as well as in a group setting through the guitar ensemble. 

Requirements: This class is available to any student from grade 9-12, regardless of music background, training, or experience level.  Ensemble music will be provided at no cost to the students and will be tailored to the skill level of the individual.

Scope and sequence:  Guitar class will cover basic and intermediate chords, including open and barre chords. Students will also learn basic scale patterns for melodic content. Discussions will also include basic maintenance of the guitar, changing strings, tuning, choosing equipment, and group playing (working in the context of a band). 

Course Information

Required / Elective
Course Length
Credit Hours
Students must have their own guitar (acoustic only) or can rent one for $30.

Guitar Staff

HS/MS Instrumental Music
Activities: Band, Speech