NORRIS HIGH SCHOOL DAILY BULLETIN - Thursday, February 27, 2025
Track & Field Meeting - Titan Time - HS North Gym
Sub District Boys Basketball - HOME Norris vs. Standing Bear @ - 6:00 p.m.
State Swim Meet
Attention Norris High School Students: Show Choir Auditions are coming up March 12 and are open to all students. You do not even have to be in choir to audition! Come see Mr. Hansmeyer or Mr. Eisenbeis if you are interested in auditioning.
Looking for a summer job? NATS Detasseling is looking for positive workers aged 13 and up. Applications open up March 1st at Detasseling is a great way to develop leadership skills and build a resume that will attract future employers and colleges. Every employee receives a 25% discount on ACT prep from OnToCollege and anyone living in Lancaster County who has detasseled for NATS is eligible to apply for a LIBA College Scholarship. We have also seen great work lead to great friendships on our crew that last for life! Get a sneak peek with this short video. NATS_2min_V5_ENG 2.mp4 Applying early is recommended, as every year we do have a waiting list of workers.