HS Bulletin


NORRIS HIGH SCHOOL DAILY BULLETIN - Tuesday, February 25, 2025   



Quizbowl @ ESU #6 Competition in Seward

FFA @ District CDE Competition

Sub District Girls Basketball - Norris vs. Beatrice -HOME - 6:00 p.m.

Students - you can get in free if you show your school ID.  You will need to enter through 

the main entrance and show your badge to the ticket sellers



Track & Field Meeting:    There will be a meeting on Thursday during Titan Time in the high school north gym for all athletes going out for track & field this spring.   See Coach Heiss if you cannot attend the meeting.


Attention Norris High School Students:  Show Choir Auditions are coming up March 12 and are open to all students.  You do not even have to be in choir to audition!  Come see Mr. Hansmeyer or Mr. Eisenbeis if you are interested in auditioning.