HS Bulletin




Reserve Boys BB @ Bennington - 6:00 p.m.


Football Meeting:  There will be a FB Meeting on Friday, February 4 @ 8:00 a.m. (BE ON TIME) in the Auditorium.  ALL current 11th-9th FB Players including those currently in Basketball & Wrestling need to attend.


The Spanish Club will be selling Valentines until next Wednesday (February 9th). We will be selling during lunch in the concession stand by the South Gym. You can also contact a member of the Spanish Club or see Mrs. Good to purchase Valentines. We have two packages, Package A, a stuffed animal and a sucker ($4), and Package B, a sucker and a heart card ($2). We will be delivering all valentines during 7th period on Thursday, February 10th. Have a significant other, best friend, or favorite teacher? Valentines are a great way to show someone you are thinking about them.


All girls interested in playing soccer this spring can sign-up outside Coach Talero's Room (M8). Sign-up deadline is February 21st.


Spanish Club members, please stop by Sra. Good's room to pick up an order form for selling Valentines.  Also, if you are interested in selling during lunch, please let me know and we will get you signed up. 


Track & Field Apparel:  The link will be open until Thursday, February 10.


Thank you for your support of Titan Track & Field. 


Boys Soccer apparel:  The link will be open until Tuesday, February 8 11:59 p.m. 


Thank you for your support of the Boys Soccer team. 


Girls Soccer Apparel:  Support the Norris Girls Soccer team by ordering from the apparel webstore:  https://norrisgirlssoccer2022.itemorder.com/shop/sale/?saleCode=QWP7D

Site closes:  February 10


Boys Golf Sign-up:  There is a sign-up sheet in Coach Ehresman's room (M7) for boys interested in going out for golf this spring.