HS Bulletin





Sapphires Dance Team:  There will be a tryout workshop on March 12 and tryouts March 16-19 for the 2022-23 Sapphires Dance Team.  Dates and locations:

Tryout Workshop is March 12 8:00-11:00 am in the elementary gym

Tryout Practices March 16-18 6:30-6:45 am and 3:45-5:00 pm in the elementary gym 

Tryouts March 19 at 8:00 am elementary gym




Senior Pictures for Yearbook:  Senior Pictures will be due by April 15th, 2022.  They can be uploaded now with this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfv29AfikJRckz5M2RWRz66byCl3i0FBOPlD6tWA2klv5uVFg/viewform





Norris Public Power Youth Energy Leadership Camp July 18th-22nd in Halsey, NE for students in 9, 10 or 11th grade. It's free and will focus on the electric industry through workshops, demonstrations and other issues affecting rural electric programs.  There's also canoeing, sports, a banquet and a dance. Students who attend Youth Energy Leadership Camp have an extraordinary opportunity to attend an all-expense paid Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. Stop by the CC for an application form due April 1st.

Sophomores and Juniors: Check out the Rotary Youth Leadership Camp! It is a 3-day leadership camp at Camp Kitaki in Louisville, NE April 1-3. Sophomore and Juniors in High School who are leaders in their class are encouraged to apply. There is no cost to students as their fees are covered by Rotary Clubs in the 5650 District.