TeamMates year-end celebration
Norris TeamMates Program hosted a year-end celebration for over 85 mentors, mentees, board members, and their families on April 24. Everyone enjoyed a meal. As always, the highlight of the evening was when each mentee introduced themselves and their mentor and shared something they liked about being involved with Teammates. Speaking in front of a large group is a challenge that over ten mentees in grades 3-12 stepped forward to experience. Mentees were able to choose a piece of Norris apparel. After the meal, mentees and several mentors participated in a game coordinated by Deb Petsche, a member of the TeamMates board. The year-end celebration was a great reminder of this phenomenal program's impact on mentors and mentees. Thank you to the Norris Teammates board, mentors, mentees & families.
Norris TeamMates is celebrating its 18th year of making a difference for Norris Students, one student at a time. There are currently 73 matches in grades 3-12. Eight of our mentors have had a mentee for ten years or more, and there are 30 who have been with the mentor for 5-9 years. This year’s mentees included three seniors. One of the strengths of Teammates is building long-term relationships.
Norris is always looking for new mentors. We currently have 28 Norris staff, nine retired staff members, and 36 community members being mentors to our students. To make a difference for a Norris student and get more information on becoming a mentor, contact Mary Ann at maryann.franken@nsdtitans.org or 402-791-0040 or go to TeamMates.org.