State Releases Nebraska Education Profile of District, State Results from 15-16 assessments
The Nebraska Education Profile (NEP) has been released by the Nebraska Department of Education. The NEP provides information and data about Nebraska public schools and student performance. The NEP highlights the performance of students by district and school building in reading, mathematics, writing, and science as well as performance by groups of students, including race and ethnicity, poverty, special education, and English Language Learners.
Group scores for Norris students substantially exceed state averages for Nebraska students. NEP provides general and detailed level data for performance on the Nebraska State Accountability tests of state standards as assessed by standardized grade level tests administered to all Nebraska students.
State of Nebraska
% differential
Norris +13%
Norris +11%
Norris +15%
Norris +17%
Norris results also indicated a surging achievement trendline as several all-time bests were attained by Norris students for districtwide outcomes. For instance, the 86% districtwide proficient on NESA Math is the highest in five years. The 93% districtwide proficient on NESA Reading is the highest in five years, and the 87% proficient in NESA Science ties the best percentage proficient for Norris students in the five year trendline.
The Norris district profile and assessment results including subgroup and grade-level performance data are available on the state site at http://nep.education.ne.gov/Districts/Index/55-0160-000?DataYears=2015-2016
The NEP is the initial transformation of data from what was previously known as the State of the Schools Report, and is intended to help inform the public and school officials about school district performance. The NEP is also intended to inform parents, community leaders, and policymakers about our education system and to provide data needed for sound decision making by education leaders. The state intends for NEP to continue to evolve and incorporate additional key data and performance information.
Norris Superintendent Dr. John Skretta said, "Our students deserve congratulations on these consistently strong results. These excellent scores are important measures in that they reflect state standards and the fact that our students are meeting and exceeding these benchmarks at high rates across content areas reflects the strength of our academic program." Norris Curriculum Director Dr. Brenda Tracy hailed the results and attributed the outstanding overall student performance at Norris to a variety of factors. She pointed out that the district has emphasized the use of instructional rounds to allow faculty members to observe their peers engaged in instruction and to promote "meaningful dialogue about how instructional strategies are really used in the classroom to help students achieve." Dr. Tracy also credited the district's focus on having aligned curricula and agreed-upon essential learning targets as "important steps in the process of helping each child achieve proficiency."