Norris SkillsUSA Chapter attends Nebraska State Conference
Seventeen students and two advisors attended the Nebraska 2023 SkillsUSA State Conference held in Grand Island from April 13th through the 15th.
Students placing in their respective contests include:
Zaden TenHulzen- Silver medal in Automotive Refinishing Technology
Grayson Palermo- Bronze 3rd in Computer Programming
Chapter Display - Summer Fullerton, Maggie Mullin, and Mikayla Brenner- Gold They will represent Nebraska at the SkillsUSA National Conference located in Atlanta, Georgia.
Mikayla Brenner earned Gold in State Pin Design, State T-shirt & National T-shirt Design. Her National T-shirt Design will go up against other state winners to see whose design will be on next year's SkillsUSA National Conference shirt.
The national contest will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, June 17-23. Hunter Davis, Maggie Mullin, Mikayla Brenner along with Norris SkillsUSA advisor Jon Critser will be traveling to Atlanta and transporting the chapter display. The SkillsUSA members and Advisor will be renting a truck to transport the display to Atlanta.
If you would like to help defray the cost of hotel rooms, transportation, and food please contact Mr. Critser at Jon.Critser@nsdtitans.org.
To learn more about SkillsUSA you can visit the following sites: