Homecoming Royalty

Homecoming Royalty

Homecoming Royalty

Freshman Homecoming Royalty Attendants (L to R)
Max Addison and Remy Bare
Kaden Gana and Reese Boesiger
Jacob Kranau and Marley Brock
Wynton Krenzien and Kayla Robertson

Sophomore Homecoming Royalty Attendants (L to R)
Greyson Addison and Malorie Boesiger
Beckett Behrens and Alli Bornschlegl
Shane Holen and Addison Gruber
Grant Thomas and Alexa Korol

Junior Homecoming Royalty Attendants (L to R)
Kyson Gana and Reese Behrends
Markus Nelson and Kalli Grummert
Alec Small and Ally Kohler
Michael Voss and Kylie Rowland

Senior Homecoming Royalty Attendants (L to R)
Nick Boon and Rya Borer
Thomas Hansmeyer and Bree Chambers
Jacob Payne and Kendall Cose
Dalton Weber and Harper Gable
Revlin Weber and Ashley Gruber