Fifth grade newspaper writing project

Fifth grade newspaper writing project
Fifth grade newspaper writing project

Fifth grade newspaper writing project

Georgia Havel, Taylor McMurray, and Austin Schmidt display their newspaper writing projects completed with Mrs. Eigsti.  Grade 5 students have been preparing personal newspaper articles through many years. 

Students prepare a main article describing the most important event of their lives.  Making an important play; meeting friends and relatives; being startled, injured, or thrilled have made interesting events.  Next they write about their hero.  The hero must be a person that they personally know.  The next requirement is to include a children's book review.  They must describe a book from when they were a child.  This might be a favorite bedtime story or one of the first books they learned to read.  The page is filled in with drawings, photographs, and designs before being laminated and displayed in the halls.  
As our school district changes with new buildings, curriculum, and technology, the student inspired, hand-written, crayon colored newspaper articles continue to be a source of personal student pride.