Board of Education appoints Meese
Please welcome Steph Meese as Norris School District's newly appointed board member for Ward 2.
Occupation: Legal Counsel, Nebraska Legislative Audit Office
Education: Harvard High School, Harvard, NE
University of Nebraska at Kearney
University of Nebraska College of Law
Family: Husband, John; daughter, Allie; and son, Max
Comments on Board service:
Norris is an exceptional school district. After serving on the Norris PTO board for several years, I’m honored to be a member of the Norris School Board. As the child and grandchild of educators, I recognize the important role a School Board plays in supporting the success of a school district. I look forward to being a diligent steward of district resources and an educated and informed advocate for the district’s students, staff, and patrons, helping to ensure that Norris remains welcoming and safe for all.