Alan Eighme named new Elementary Assistant Principal
Alan Eighme currently serves as the assistant principal at Norris Elementary School. Alan has a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Northwest Missouri State University, as well as a Master of Science degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Northwest. He received his Master of Science degree in Educational Leadership from Doane University.
Before arriving at Norris, Alan spent 38 years teaching with Lincoln Public Schools. He worked for 33 years at Eastridge Elementary and taught the following grade levels: first, second, fourth, fifth, and sixth. Alan then spent five years at Huntington Elementary as an academic support teacher in the area of Reading. Alan is an instructor of graduate level classes at Doane University in the area of Educational Leadership.
Alan is married. He and his wife, Sharon, have two daughters, Olivia and Callista. In Alan’s spare time, he enjoys running, cycling, reading, and walking his pet dog, Daisy.
Alan has enjoyed his first quarter of the 2023-2024 Norris School year. He finds the enthusiasm and energy of elementary students to be contagious. Alan considers it a privilege to work with a staff that is friendly, welcoming, and intentional in their instruction. He believes it to be an honor to serve with his building principal, Mrs. Brittany Sullivan. Alan finds joy in his daily work and considers the Norris School District and campus a gem in the countryside.