Additional Information
I am a chemistry teacher because of my high school chemistry teacher, Mrs. Epp. She provided me a challenging experience, but one that was rewarding. She allowed me to be creative, and inspired me simply through her love of the subject.
I graduated from Lincoln East High School and went on to to study Dietetics & Nutrition Science at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. I earned my Masters in Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education from UNL in 2009, and have taken further Masters level classes in Educational Technology, Science Pedagogy, and Assessment.
I initially planned to go into the healthcare field, but through conversations with some wonderful people and by shadowing teachers, it became clear that teaching was my calling...and I love it! My grandfathers, aunts and uncles, mother, and now even siblings are teachers; I think it's fair to say it runs in the family.
Though I grew up in Lincoln, I was born in Milwaukee, WI (Go Packers!). I have three younger siblings who went to UNL. I taught three years in Omaha at Millard West, moved to Lincoln to teach at Norris in 2012, and have been enjoying my time at Norris immensely.
Outside of teaching, I enjoy biking, running, hiking, baking, traveling, singing and playing piano. I am a fan of the Huskers, Green Bay Packers, and of course, the Norris Titans!